Previous Artists Tutors, visiting lecturers and speakers – 2004 to 2021

John Myers

It was with great sadness that we received the news that our colleague, friend and supporter John had passed away on Monday, August 8th 2021. John’s contribution to the development and growth of the ESOP will never be forgotten from his au plein air classes along the River Thames in London to the amazing yearlong courses he helped set up and run including the well received and remembered ‘Painting Techiques through time’ . He will be missed by both students and his fellow ESOP artist-tutors (click image)

The late Dr Leonard McComb RA – truly missed
The following is a list of Previous Artists Tutors, visiting lecturers and speakers – 2004 to 2021 in alphabetical order.

Over the last 17 years we have had the opportunity of having highly experienced artists working with us in different capacity. We are grateful and recognise the contribution you have all made to helping the Essential School of Painting (The ESOP) grow to the school we are today.

Please click the names on for more information.

Grayson Perry RA during ESOP Lecture ‘Why I Am Not A Painter’ at the RSA House
Ken Currie teaching painting