ONLINE: The Bigger Picture Post-grad course – Fridays 12 Nov 2021 – 08 July 2022


Artist-tutors: David Mach RA, Liane Lang and Bob Matthews

Fridays 10am to 5pm
Admission to terms two and three available.
Annual Fee £1650 Fees two terms £1140 or Term Fees £630 X 3
3 places available.




Join us and have this incredible opportunity to work within a close-knit community of 10 other artists for one year; explore ideas individually and as a group to expand your art practice.

Sessions with the three artists David Mach, Liane Lang and Bob Matthews will range from group projects on Zoom to individual projects plus one or two off-site visits. All through the course you will receive 1 to 1 sessions with the tutors, in-depth discussions in creative critical thinking to group crits on your work. At the end of the academic year you have an Online End of Year Exhibition.

If you have any questions please contact the school or click here for our contact form.

With the ever-changing environment of the art world the aim of this programme is to give you an in-depth opportunity to develop and consolidate your work in a supportive environment.

For more information on the course click here.

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