This July students from our yearlong and short courses have their end of year exhibition and show the work they have made over the academic year 2016 – 17
Venue The Art Pavilion Mile End Park, Clinton Road E3 4QY – Join us for an evening of Art, stimulating conversation and a glass or two of wine and light refreshments.
ALL ARE WELCOME – Free Admission
Opening Night 12 July 2017 6.00pm to 9.00pm
Exhibition Times:
13 to 16 July 10.00am to 6.30pm | 17 July 10.00am to 5.00pm
Over the year students attending different classes at The ESOP have been involved with a variety of programmes from painting personal projects, portraiture, working with the human figure and imagination, and studying the history of Painting Techniques amongst other things. They have also spent time outdoors doing landscape paintings, visiting eminent artists and art institutions like the V&A. This exhibition presents their work and their journeys of self-discovery as students of art. The students in this exhibition come from all levels of experience from beginners to proficient professional artists.
The courses included:-
Painting Techniques – A History; This course took students from the historical beginning of painting – Prehistoric art through Coptic and Egyptian, Pre-Christian and Antiquities, the Renaissance to modern 20th and 21st century techniques of painting.
Painting Personal Projects; as the name implies the students The Wednesday Painting Group were given an opportunity to develop their own work in a supportive community of artists. The intention of the programme, developed and taught by Alison Harper, is give participants personal mentoring to increase confidence, creativity and a sense of direction and to provide strategies for developing a body of work enabling the artist to clarifying short and long term goals.
The A-Z of Painting People and Portraits; Taught by brilliant artists, namely Sandy Moffat OBE RSA, Alison Harper, David Caldwell, BP National Portrait winner Rosemary Beaton, BP National Portrait winner Allan Ramsay and visiting tutor Alessandro Raho, This course explored the elements of Portrait painting and drawing in both systematic and creative ways.
Oil Painting for beginners, Abstract Painting, Egg Tempera Painting and Weaving the Thread – Painting and the Imagination