The Essential School of Painting yearlong programme runs over 3 terms of 10 weeks each. Each term is divided in 5 weeks and a half term. Half term normally coincides with the standard school term. Each yearlong course is followed by an End of Year Exhibition that each participants is invited to attend and contribute to. Should you have any questions please contact us using the form at the bottom of this page.
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The Foundation Painting Year is a practical course which aims to fill in all the gaps you never knew you had in your understanding and practise of the age old activity of manipulating colour on a surface called painting.
The Painting Year is a practical course for those looking to advance their practise, developing their skills and content – guided by two experienced and celebrated painters Dan Coombs RCA and Guy Allott RCA .
The Bigger Picture with David Mach RA. This course is suitable for those who have completed a B.A in Fine Art or similar level or have their own art practise. Join David Mach RA, a creative force of nature, and a community of 12 artists exploring new territories together and in your own art practise. This is an incredible opportunity to be mentored in a small group for a year with an End of Year Student Exhibition.
Painting People: The Figure and Portrait aims to explore the elements of portraiture and figure painting and drawing in both systematic and creative ways. Taught by Alison Harper, Rosemary Beaton and visiting artists. All highly experienced, successful and prize winning portrait painters who have exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery and/or the Scottish National Portrait Gallery. Rosemary Beaton is a former first prize winner of the coveted National Portrait Award.
The Contemporary Fine Art course is aimed at a broad range of artists and levels of experience and seeks to develop a community where practical and theoretical skills can be explored and established with emphases on making, presenting, talking and thinking about art. The course includes sessions that encourage your personal development in areas of subject matter, artistic processes and materials. Through a comprehensive set of tutorials, group activities, demonstrations, crits, gallery tours and visiting artists you will establish new areas of research and develop contemporary techniques for producing, displaying and disseminating art.
Intuitive Abstract Painting: Exploring process and narrative with Alexander James Pollard on Alternate Sundays 10.30 am to 4.30 pm. Prepare yourself for full immersive days incorporating experimentation, playfulness, technical guidance and discussion designed to develop you as an abstract painter. The Course offers a fortnightly forum in which you will be encourage to build your practice and understanding of Intuitive Abstract painting.