Studio course: Traditional Oil Painting Techniques for a Contemporary Art Practice with Rosanna Dean: Tuesdays evenings 25 Apr to 20 June 2023 (6-9pm)

Over the course of 8 weeks you will be guided through a variety of ways of using oil paint. You will explore different ways of applying paint and the effects that can be achieved in their combination. We will look at how paintings can be buil Continue Reading →

Studio course – Oil Painting for beginners with Alison Harper: Wednesday Evening 19 Apr to 28 Jun 2023 (6-9pm)

Come and learn step by step approaches to oil painting. We will cover materials and methods of oil painting including supports and surfaces, brushes and paint mediums… Continue Reading →

Online: Ordinarily odd; the everyday with Archie Franks – 19 May to 7 July 2021

£220 – 8 week course Online Course on Wednesday Evenings.
In this course we will look at artists who examine the everyday. We will look at our own everyday, our immediate surroundings and situations… Continue Reading →

Painting People: The Figure and Portrait – Thurs 14 Jan to 25 Mar 2021

This course will be taught by Alison Harper and visiting artists including National portrait award winner Rosemary Beaton. The course aims to explore the elements of portraiture and figure painting and drawing in both systematic and creative ways. Continue Reading →

The Painting Year I: 12 Jan – 29 Jun 2021 Tuesdays 10-5pm

The Painting Year is a practical course for those looking to advance their practise, developing their skills and content whilst being guided by two experienced and celebrated painters Dan Coombs RCA and Guy Allott RCA Continue Reading →

Weaving the Thread: Painting and the Imagination with Adrian Wiszniewski RSA


(This course has been postponed due to ongoing pandemic) Weaving the Thread is a painting and drawing course taught by Adrian Wiszniewski RSA at the Essential School of Painting over one weekend. It’s aim, using planned exercises, is to help access the resources of our imagination; giving us imagery and ideas for our artwork. Continue Reading →

Tuesday Evening Oil Painting for beginners with Alison Harper – 14 January to 24 March 2020


Monday evening 6pm to 9pm: Come and learn step by step approaches to oil painting. We will cover materials and methods Continue Reading →