About The Essential School Of Painting

The Essential School of Painting (ESOP) is an alternative art school based in Wood Green, London, specialising in painting and drawing classes taught by leading contemporary artists. The ESOP offers exciting, intellectually rigorous courses with the intention of advancing painting. Classes are available for all levels of experience.

Studio course: The Bigger Picture: 21 Apr to 30 June 2023

The Bigger Picture is a postgraduate fine art course based at the ESOP Studios in north London. Interdisciplinary and challenging in approach, thinking and creative realisation. The focus will be on the artistic development of each student and the dynamics of the group as a whole. Critical discussion and supportive dialogues will be at the heart of this process. Therefore, actively encouraging innovative and meaningful ways of personally integrating practise and theory. Continue Reading →

Studio course: Traditional Oil Painting Techniques for a Contemporary Art Practice with Rosanna Dean: Tuesdays evenings 25 Apr to 20 June 2023 (6-9pm)

Over the course of 8 weeks you will be guided through a variety of ways of using oil paint. You will explore different ways of applying paint and the effects that can be achieved in their combination. We will look at how paintings can be buil Continue Reading →

Studio course: The Painting Year I: Materials, Methods and Ideas – Mondays 17 Apr to 3 Jul 2023

1 PLACE REMAINING: The Painting Year I is a practical course which aims to fill in all the gaps you never knew you had in your understanding and practice of painting. Continue Reading →

Painting People: The Figure and Portrait: 12 January 2022 to 29 Jun 2023

This course aims to explore the elements of portraiture and figure painting and drawing in both systematic and creative ways. Continue Reading →

Studio course: Experimental Printmaking with Bella Easton: Fridays evenings 6-9pm – 10 Feb to 31 Mar 2023

A wonderful opportunity to explore your ideas through relief and other printmaking techniques, including: Lino, Carborundum… Continue Reading →

Studio course: Oil Painting Techniques with Rosanna Dean: 8 weeks on Tuesdays evenings (6 -9pm) – 7th Feb to 28 March 2023

Over the course of 8 weeks you will be guided through a variety of ways of using oil paint. You will explore different ways of applying paint and the effects that can be achieved in their combination. Continue Reading →