Alison Harper: Art Consultant for the BBC’s primetime art show The Big Painting Challenge and The Founder and Artistic Director of The Essential School of Painting
Alison Harper is a multi-talented artist who has had numerous shows and exhibitions both in Britain and internationally. This dynamism has expanded into founding and establishing a top independent art school in London, The Essential School of Painting, which is reputed to have one of the best Painting Faculties of tutors in the United Kingdom.¹
As an Art Consultant, Alison Harper has helped to develop, establish and expand an understanding of art across various mediums, from contributions to major books to prime-time television; her recent projects include being the Art consultant for the BBC’s Primetime Art Show The Big Painting Challenge (airing on BBC One February 2015) and being a contributing author to the globally published book The Drawing and Painting Book- UK Edition ( or The Artist Everything Book- US Edition) by Kate Wilson and published by Thames and Hudson and HarperCollins (February 2015).
Below is a list of some projects Alison has been involved in.
- The Big Painting Challenge BBC One
- BBC Online ‘I wonder’ series- How to make it as an amateur artist; 2015
- The Big Painting Challenge Book. Publishers BBC Books 2015
- The Drawing and Painting Book; Publishers Thames and Hudson & Harper Collins 2015 (Chapter: The Human Body)
- Reuters Geneva ” Reuters and Creativity”
- NHS Trust: Creative thinking for managers.
- British Council Nairobi; Development of Art UK Kenya
- Fettes College Edinburgh: Ways into Creativity
- Kamla Raheja Institute for Architecture Mumbai, India: An Audience with Alison Harper
- Drawing and Creativity: MS University of Baroda, India
To contact Alison Harper please email admin@theesop.com or telephone +44 20 8521 6058
¹"The Essential School has one of the best painting faculties in Britain today..." Royal Scottish Academician Sandy Moffat OBE and former Head of Painting, Glasgow School of Art, September 2014.
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