Applications are now open for The ESOP Young Artists Scholarship 2025-26 & 2025-27

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  1. The ESOP Advanced Painting Young Artist Scholarship 2025-27
  2. The ESOP Young Artist Scholarship 2025-26

Each scholarship is open to artists between the ages 20-30 years at the start date of the course. Each scholarship has its own specifications. You can apply for both, however you get one of either2.

With a limited number of places available we strongly advise you to apply as soon as possible.

1: The ESOP Advanced Painting Young Artist Scholarship 2025-27.

The deadline to apply 30th April 2025 (23.59hrs)

This scholarship provides for 50% of the annual course fee over the two years of the  ESOP Advanced Painting Course 2025-27 (EAPC) and includes a full time studio3 and the End of Course exhibition.

To apply you will need to follow the application process for the ESOP scholarships as detailed in the PDF document below. All you will need to do is add, in your brief statement of why you are applying for the course, that you would like to be considered for the ESOP Advanced Painting Young Artist Scholarship.

Please click here for details on the course.

ESOP AP Scholars

2: ESOP Young Artist Scholarship 2025-26.

Five of the seven ESOP Scholars 2023-25

How to apply to either of the ESOP Scholarships:

All applications are to be emailed to our admin team. Click the button below to do this


Click here for application terms and conditions.

1 The two scholarships are open to artists between 20-30 years1 This is the age you are or will be at the start date of the course.
2 Please note both type of the scholarship are course specific and are not transferable between individuals.
3 On the EAPC You will have a studio space within a studio that is sub-divided into individual studio-pods.