The ESOP Fundraiser and Art Auction June 2018 – Cornwall Holiday Home for 4 nights

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A holiday to Cornwall…

For 4 nights you and your family/friends can enjoy the comforts of a 4 bedroom home in the south of Cornwall along the River Fowey near the picturesque village of Lerryn. The house comes along with a wood burning fireplace, comfy sofa and a big bath to soak away in, Sky TV, WiFi (so your never out of touch) a great Kitchen, huge windows to let the light in and beautiful views all year round and to top it off it is doggy friendly so you need not leave your extra special friend back at home!

The surrounding areas lend themselves to all kinds of activities from hiking, visiting local wildlife attractions or you are looking for the space of silence and contemplation the nearby conifer forests and woods. There are plenty of scenery of en plein air drawing and painting, and photography with all kinds of places to visit from the seaside and cliffs to the historical sights.



Eat out in Lerryn and the nearby villages. The are all kinds of restaurants to choose from from straight British sea-food to continental and international cuisines.Click here for a TripAdvisor look see.


If you would like to make a secret bid or are unable to attend the auction but would like to bid for this amazing opportunity you can send your bid directly to our director Andrew Wamae who will place your bid on your behalf and should you win he will get in touch with you. Please email Andrew on you can send up to three bids in your email with a difference of no less than £100 between each bid and he will pick the closest to the bid (rounded up) that may secure your win. For example if the bids you send in are £1000, £1250 and £1500 and the closest bid to secure your win is £1100 he will place your £1250 as the bid and let the auctioneer know during bidding time. Please note although your bid will be announced your name will be held in confidence unless you consent it being announced.

If you would like to make a straight contribution without participating in the auction please click here or the image below.