Artist-tutor: Georgia Mallin
10 Wednesday evenings. Fee £300
Book now to avoid disappointment
Main Studio, The Essential School of Painting, Wood Green, London N22
Come and learn step by step approaches to oil painting. On this ten week course we will cover materials and methods of oil painting such as supports and surfaces, brushes and paint mediums. We will work on colour mixing and ways of constructing images through contrasting tonal values, blocks of colour, line and texture. Much emphasis will be placed on the tactile handling of the paint. We will start by painting simple still life set ups. With a maximum of twelve students, this course will ensure you receive all the guidance you need to set yourself on the path to successful oil painting.

About Georgia Mallin

Georgia is a figurative artist based in London. She trained in portraiture from direct observation at the Heatherley School of Fine Art and expanded her practice into imaginative contemporary painting at the Essential School of Painting. She is interested in storytelling, and in how imagination, memory and feeling can be the springboard for making images. She was the recipient of the Daphne Todd Portrait Prize at Heatherleys and was lucky to receive the ESOP Newman Young Artist Scholarships 2019/20. She has exhibited in group shows online and in London, including the ING Discerning Eye and the Self Portrait Prize.