£35 per day without materials or £45 with materials1 (see art materials below for details).
Depending on availability of places, in studio payments are available. Card or contactless only. Note: All payments are for a full day2
Please note we will be closed on the following dates 22nd, 29th March, 5th April and 12th April. We will reopen the studio from the 19th of April. Please use the link below to book for 15th of March on Good Friday 29th March and the button under that to be directed to booking from the 19th of April.
Venue: Main studio, The Essential School of Painting, Coburg Road, Wood Green, London N22 Click here Google Map direction or see map at bottom of page
Enjoy one day poses to paint and draw from the nude model. Use the day to experiment and deepen your study of the figure. Hone your skills and understanding of tone, colour, paint handling and develop your ideas in relation to the human figure. This is a boot camp for the eyes and with the uninterrupted hours of looking, you see more nuanced colour through light playing on skin. Life painting is helpful to ones understanding of the figure which is why we are providing a full day in studio for personal study into what some consider a neglected part of artistic practice that’s both hard and enjoyable. Here is a concentrated and immersive day of Life Painting and Drawing.

Course Level: All are welcome.
There will be no formal tuition; the pose will be set up each day by the studio assistant who will on hand to help with practical issues.

Art materials
Please come along with your own art materials; Paints, Charcoal, Drawing pads and paper etc. We will provide you with solvents and, easels and boards if required.
Additional information
1 Materials fee includes all paints, paper, solvent and drawing materials except for canvas. Canvas can be bought from us in studio and stored on the premises for the duration of the course. 2 Whereas you are welcome to come and leave at anytime please note the payments are the full day. We don't provide for any other fee structure.

Above images of life studies by Alison Harper. Image copyright of the artist all rights reserved.