Venue: Fire Station Creative, Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland
All are welcome to Dunfermline Scotland for the private view and exhibition Mythical Political from March 3rd to May 1st, 2022. This exhibition includes current and former students and artists who teach at or are associated with the ESOP. Private view Wednesday March 2nd, 7pm until late.

A pantheon of celebrated artists are set to exhibit their work at Fire Station Creative (FSC), a contemporary arts venue in Dunfermline, Fife. The exhibition brings together names of the global and Scottish arts scene David Mach RA, Liane Lang, Jim Lambie, Adrian Wiszniewski RSA, Alison Harper and Sandy Moffat OBE RSA, alongside exciting artist collective Splint.
Splint are a group of female artists, supportive, constructive and challenging, coming together to discuss, create and exhibit. Splint includes Wendy Freestone, Toni Gallagher, Jo Martin, Emma O’Rourke, Harriet Selka and Victoria Snazell.
The Essential School of Painting in London (ESOP) connects the twelve artists.
“The model of artists and their recent students undertaking projects together is an exciting one which celebrates the intergenerational relationships formed by effective art school teaching.”
Alison Harper, Artistic Director of the Essential School of Painting (ESOP)
The group will present their work in the former fire station throughout March and April.
“I’m looking forward to sharing the space with such a broad range of artists in age, work and inspirations. It’s especially exciting since this is all happening on my home territory. My own work will take inspiration from the old Fire Station itself.”
Sculptor David Mach, who is from Fife and teaches at ESOP, conceived of the exhibition.
London-Irish artist, Emma O’Rourke, is also inspired by the fire station and will exhibit work that traces the building’s connection to the ballerina and actress, Moira Shearer and her role in the 1948 film, ‘The Red Shoes’.
Glasgow artist, Jim Lambie, will exhibit his ‘Psychedelic Soul Stick’. Of the sculpture, he said,
“I rolled and covered the whole piece in reams of cheap multicoloured threads. Cocooning the objects inside. A ritual which could take upwards of fifteen hours to complete. It was a very meditative action. A slow, deliberate process. A mantra of sorts. When I had finished, I would add old wire coat hangers, and would cover those with thread also. Attaching them to the spine and twisting and bending them into shape to create root like branches.”
And Painter Adrian Wiszniewski said
“Transsexuality is a natural phenomenon which, for political reasons, has been in the past deemed less than natural. I wanted to make an image where transsexuals are comfortable and allowed to feel comfortable in who they are. I should also mention that the hermaphrodite has always played a part in classical mythology and continues to appear in a many cultures in a more positive manner than has appeared in our own contemporary one. That is not to suggest that hermaphroditism and transsexuality are one and the same, but they both blur the lines between sexual stereotypes.”
MYTHICAL POLITICAL” at Fire Station Creative Curator Ian Moir Free Entry. Exhibition is open to the public from Thursday March 3rd and ends on May 1st 2022 Opening times Wednesday/Thursday: 10am - 5pm Friday/Saturday: 10am - Midnight Sunday: 11am - 4pm Monday/Tuesday: Closed
For more information
Contact the Essential School of Painting or the curator Ian Moir