Sundays 10.30am to 4.30pm
Alexander James Pollard and Johanna Melvin
Prepare yourself for full immersive days incorporating experimentation, playfulness, technical guidance and discussion designed to develop you as an abstract painter. The course offers a fortnightly forum in which you will be encouraged to build your practice and understanding of Intuitive Abstract Painting.
Term Payment £440. Fees calculated pro rata if you join after start date.
Alexander James Pollard Johanna Melvin
Tutorials will be focused on developing personal areas of inquiry as well as painting methods, knowledge of processes and materials. The course is aimed at helping you to build confidence and understanding relating to intuitive abstract painting and the contexts and historical knowledge associated with it.
Beast of Bevendean Oil on jute 2018 Note by Johanna Melvin 2019 Acrylic on Canvas
Through a series of days held fortnightly on Zoom while you are in your own working space, you will have one to one tutorials and group crits that will improve your confidence, practise and understanding relating to intuitive abstract painting. We will help you formulate a practical research area, developing skills and techniques for producing and displaying intuitive abstract painting.
Apr Term: Apr 18th, May 2nd, May 16th, May 20th, Jun 13th and Jun 27th