Personal Painting Projects on the Wednesday Painting Group
with the Artistic Director and founder of The ESOP Alison Harper.
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Sarah Bishop Oil on Canvas 2016 (Member of the Wednesday Painting Group)
Following a successful year (2015-16) culminating in student led show “Sharing Images” the Wednesday Painting Group, now a year-long programme, gives students an opportunity to develop their own work in a supportive community of artists.
The programme is developed and taught by Alison Harper (Artistic Director TheESOP). Amongst other things the programme is intended to give participants personal mentoring to increase confidence, creativity and a sense of direction and to provide strategies for developing a body of work enabling the artist to clarifying short and long term goals.
The group this year starts on 28 September 2016 to the 5 July 2017 and will be divided into three terms of 10 weeks. Fees are divided in two categories an Annual Fee paid in installments @ £500 per term or the full one-off fee of £1350 saving you £150 for the whole year. For more information click here
Image copyright Sarah Bishop used with consent of the artist